2020 Community Services 每 Beachside Tree Planting

2020 Community Services 每 Beachside Tree Planting
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As part of our community services & green initiative, We have sponsored the 'Putat Laut' tree seedlings for Beachside planting...

Barringtonia asiatica
Common name: Putat laut
is a tree of sandy seashores where its trunk often leans over the beach. It can grow to 30 m tall but more usually is 7–20 m tall. Its bunches of large, obovate leaves at the tips of the stout twigs are striking in their glossiness and size. 

They are large, 15–52 x 7–21 cm, and rather rubbery in texture. Its inflorescences are erect, up to 20 cm long and produce 3–20 flowers. The flowers have white petals and joined into a ring at the base but above are free, pink, red or purple and look like a giant powder puff. 
Among all the putat species in Malaysia, it has the largest flowers and fruits.
This tree with large waxy leaves, stunning pinkish pom-pom flowers and square fruits is now widely planted in our coastal parks. It is sometimes seen growing wild in our back mangroves. Elsewhere, it grows in a wide range of coastal habitats from coastal forest, shores, sandy to rocky coasts and occasionally in mangroves.

A small to medium sized tree (7-30m tall). Bark pinkish grey, smooth becoming rough and thick in older trees. It may have buttressed roots.

Leaves oval (20-30cm long), waxy glossy somewhat fleshy, edge smooth (not toothed). Young leaves may be pinkish olive with pink veins. Older leaves wither yellow or pale orange.eavy perfume becomes noticeable''. 

By sunrise the next day, the entire circle of stamens and petals fall off the tree. 

Corners says, ''The ring of stamens floating downstream and the stale perfume of the night used to be a morning feature of Malayan rivers''.

It is the food plant for moth larvae of Dasychira spp. and Thyas honesta.

Barringtonia asiatica is indigenous to the mangrove habitats in the tropics from Madagascar, to Malaysia, Taiwan, Philippines, northern Australia and Polynesia.

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